Sunday, April 14, 2013

n  Discovery
n  Communications
n  Collaboration
n  Web services

Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is a loose collection of information technologies and applications, and the Web sites that use them.
Markus Angemeier took a look at the most common memes of the Web 2.0 phenomenon in this figure.
A meme is any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one person to another.  Examples include thoughts, ideas, theories, practices, habits, etc.
Note the basic memes of Web 2.0 are: usability, participation, economy, convergence, remixability, design, and standardization.
Web 2.0 Information Technologies and Applications:
·         AJAX: A web development technique that allows portions of web pages to reload with fresh data instead of requiring the entire web page to reload
·         Tagging: A tag is a keyword or term that describes a piece of information (e.g., blog, picture, article, video clip)
·         Blogs and blogging: A blog is a personal web site, open to the public, in which the site creator expresses his or her feelings or opinions.
·         Wikis: A wiki is a web site on which anyone can post material and make changes to other material.
·         Really Simple Syndication (RSS) : RSS allows users to receive, or customize the information they receive when they want it without having to surf thousands of web sites.
·         Podcasts and Videocasts: A podcast is a digital audio file that is distributed over the web using RSS for playback on portable media players or personal computers. A videocast is the same as a podcast, only with digital media and audio content.
E-Learning and Distance Learning
Benefits of E-Learning
n  Self-paced learning increases content retention.
n  Online materials deliver high-quality, current content.
n  Students have the flexibility of learning from any place at any time at their own pace.
n  Learning time generally is shorter, and more people can be trained due to faster training time.
n  Training costs can be reduced.

Drawbacks of E-Learning
n  Instructors may need training to be able to teach electronically.
n  The purchase of additional multimedia equipment may be necessary.
n  Students must be computer literate and may miss the face-to-face interaction with instructors.
n  There are issues with assessing students’ work, as instructors really do not know who completed assignments.

Telecommuting allows workers to work anytime and anyplace.
Telecommuting Benefits:
  • For Employees
n  Reduced stress, improved family life
n  Employment opportunities for single parents and persons with disabilities
  • For Employers
n  Increased productivity
n  Ability to retain skilled employees
Telecommuting Disadvantages
  • For Employees
n  Feelings of isolation
n  No workplace visibility
n  Potential for slower promotions
  • For Employers
n  Difficulties in supervising work
n  Potential information security problems
n  Additional training costs

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